2024 Sunset Kino (CLOSED)


Sunset Kino

Oakville Galleries in Gairloch Gardens | June 22, 2024 – July 11, 2024


Sunset Kino is Canada's only outdoor, avant-garde film festival. Founded by Séamus Kealy in Austria in 2017, this festival continues now at Oakville Galleries. Introduced by the programmers and commencing at sunset, audiences experience a curated program of films and videos by Canadian and international artists. 


This year's theme, “Everything is a Lie," complements the summer exhibition by Hedda Roman, entitled Rogue Planet, which prompts a reflection on how machine learning and digital technologies shape, distort, and reconstruct our perceptions. Sunset Kino explores narratives that inform our current world, encouraging deeper consideration of the influence of digitalization on identity and the authenticity of our personal and collective stories. The program thus ventures into themes of truth and fiction; reality and virtuality; distortion and propaganda; disinformation and representation; as well as how art, film, ideas and politics all intersect in a rapidly changing world.

All films are screened outdoors in Gairloch Gardens. Please dress appropriately and bring seating and blankets. With inclement weather, screenings will be indoors in the Studio, adjacent to the Gallery. 


Parallel to Sunset Kino is our summer exhibition “Hedda Roman: Rogue Planet (Tue-Sat 10 am -5 pm).


Oakville Galleries operates with support from the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario and the Corporation of the Town of Oakville, along with our many individual, corporate, and foundation partners.

Full Program: