Roy Arden

Selected Works 1985 – 2000

Roy Arden: Selected Works 1985 – 2000
Roy Arden: Selected Works 1985 – 2000
Roy Arden: Selected Works 1985 – 2000
Roy Arden: Selected Works 1985 – 2000
Roy Arden: Selected Works 1985 – 2000
Roy Arden: Selected Works 1985 – 2000

While the scope of Fragments is intimate and subjective, Arden's more recent works seek out a more critical positioning of the subject in history. This exhibition of Roy Arden's work is organized by Oakville Galleries and presents a selection from 1985 – 2000. Beginning with Arden's "archival" works of the 1980s, the exhibition also includes large-scale colour photographs of the 1990s depicting the “Landscape of Economy," as well as more recent video work.


The works for this exhibition have been selected for their common focus on the themes of Vancouver history and economy. To the artist, his images are “about social history—life lived in this place, and the impact of modernity on this place." Overall these images represent places that emit a certain feeling of loss. It is as if, together, they are refugees of modernity, run amuck and run down. While his artistic approach has varied over the years, this selection highlights the underlying philosophical and political concerns that have been constant.

Roy Arden studied at the Emily Carr College of Art and Design and the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. His work has been exhibited widely since the early 1980s, in Canada and internationally. Presented concurrently, Fragments, Photographs, 1981 – 85 and Selected Works 1985 – 2000 offers a well-rounded overview of the common aesthetic traits recurring throughout this photoconceptualist's oeuvre.

An illustrated catalogue with an essay by Shep Steiner is available by emailing Oakville Galleries.

Curated by Marnie Fleming


2.2.2002 - 7.4.2002

Oakville Galleries at Centennial Square